Dr. Agnes Kijazi, Director General of Tanzania Meteorological Agency, on a group photo during official opening of the scientific training in climate modelling, 29th June to 3rd July 2015, Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
Dr. Agnes Kijazi, Director General of Tanzania Meteorological Agency and guest of honor presenting her speech during an official opening of the scientific training in climate modelling, 29thJune to 3rd July 2015, Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
Training facilitator from UK Met David Hein facilitating participants on the scientific training inclimate modeling another facilitator is from Uganda.
Some of the PRECIS trainees from Malawi and Tanzania on the scientific training in climate modeling participants on their training session starting from 29th June to 3rd July 2015, Dar es salaam, Tanzania. This training is held under the umbrella of the on-going Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Pilot project in Tanzania and Malawi, This training an opportunity to improve our understanding of the science of climate modeling as well as to develop our own capacity to analyze data from climate models for climate change impacts assessments.

PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) is a system for generating high-resolution scenarios of future climate in a region.
Issued by: Monica Mutoni, Communication Officer, TMA.

Chapisha Maoni
